" The beauty about life is that you can wake up any day and choose to start fresh at any moment you want to".
Flashback to September 6, 2014:
Anyone who knows me, pretty much knows I am mostly always in a good mood, ready to have fun or do whatever is going on at the moment. I am always on the run though, if I am not going from one job to the other, I'm running to the bank, or supermarket, airport, or trying to squeeze three friends house visits in one evening to then go get ready to go out with some other friends at night. Most likely my plans would be to wake up early the next morning, exercise some way some how for at least 20 minutes and then go off to run errands again or work at one my many jobs lol. This is my life and I love it! I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. Seriously the only thing I would trade are my painful periods lol yuck. Can't complain too much right now because the birth control pill does help A LOT, but I don't like pills, so wth? lol. However, there are always small things you an change or add to your life routine to make your life better or more exciting! Anyway, I read a quote the other day, which I forgot to screen shot so now I can't remember and I cannot find on Google, so this will be my attempt to phrase it correctly.
" The beauty about life is that you can wake up any day and choose to start fresh at any moment you want to".
This quote is so perfect. I love it, not only because it reflects a sense of freedom, but also because it motivates anyone who reads it to go after what they want. We as humans needs to encourage each other to progress, learn, and do what makes us happy. A lot of times people may either lack support, or feel suppressed by society, family, friends, or a mentor/ role model that they look up to which in turn may cause them to not do something they have been wanting to do or try out for a long time. I wish those people enough courage to stand up for what they want and do as they please. And for those who do not lack courage, they just lack discipline, then get your act together and start tomorrow. We get so caught up and stressed out with every day life and routines, that we don't see that even doing something small that make us feel happy or relaxed for even ten minutes can do so much for us, our happiness, our health, and outlook in life.
So my hopefully motivating status on Facebook today was: GOOOOOD MORNING!! =) September Challenge: pick something that you have been meaning to do but just have not gotten to. Do it for 21 days straight. If you don't like it at the end of the 21 days, don't do it ever again. If you enjoyed it or it added value to your life/ enhanced your lifestyle, then now you know what to add to your daily or weekly routine =)
Some new activities you can go for that come to mind are: Volunteer for a charity, stop everything else and make time to go for a run/walk/sit at the beach at least 30 minutes each day or as many as you need, get up at 7AM and read books, research online about how people have accomplished personal goals similar to yours, join a dance class, join a writers /book reading club, go back to school, study what you've always wanted to study, date a type of person you've been curious about, get a credit card and plan a trip to Bali, join a church, drink wine every night while having a one on one by yourself, find an arts and craft book and start little projects, sign up to receive magazines in the mail (something about that gets me excited lol), renovate your home, move to the opposite coast of where you live, try out for a game show like Spin the Wheel, buy a new car, write an autobiography, pamper yourself a different way at the end of each week, adopt a pet (Hamsters are great for busy people), join a gym, go sky diving, call an old lover, I don't care if you eat soup everyday- readjust your budget and start using 10% of your income for investments, do community hours, start a reflection journal...Well those are some ideas, but the real idea is to do something you have been wanting to do but just haven't gotten to. Do it! I am sure it will be a great experience or start of a new lifestyle.
Life is a beautiful thing. Make the most of it. The ball is on your court ;-)
P.S. I should be doing homework for my Business Process Analysis class right now, but I just felt so inspired to share this with my fellow bloggers =). Enjoy and Happy Weekend!!
- Alexa (Intellect Chick)