"Ugh!! Why must these things happen to people?!"
Flashback to April 15, 2015
Ugh!! Why must these things happen to people?! Let me just sit here and vent about my epic failure yesterday. Thankfully I am writing this and enjoying my delicious Moscato, its only fair.
So, I am currently taking an operations management class, which i absolutely-not only because the class is interesting and i love the teacher but also because of my class crush. He definitely makes me look forward to that class more than the usual.
Well it is almost the end of the semester, 2 tests, 2 projects and 34256 class assignments and homeworks later, we are missing just one more class. Group presentations were due yesterday. My group covered the chapter on MRP. Let me just add, I love presentations, kind of the same way I really enjoy interviews. Odd I know, but they are just my thing. Unfortunately I had a major issue- I did not prepare enough, as a result I didn't know shitttttt!!!! That of course only ended in one thing, I sounded like a fucking idiot, in front of the cute guy!!! Ugh!!!
I know that by now the professor, my crush and entire class surely forgot what the hell my speech was like or what I even said but I cannot get over it. What a shame and disappointment in myself. Tsk tsk. But even as mad as I am about the whole situation, I decided to write about it. 1. Because it will make me feel better and 2. So I can look back to it in a couple days or months and remind myself about this ridiculous incident and then laugh about it.
So I have came up with a conclusion on why I did so bad.
1. I did not know the material- totally my fault, lesson learned- do not let this happen ever again, study and research topic.
2. I had experienced a dry cough attack twice earlier in the day, it is like I am not sick but not totally sick. So anyway, I was worried I would have another one because I started feeling my throat weird, and I tried to rush to avoid the crazy cough.
3. My class crush was there and I was totally distracted!!!! At one point I was even asking myself "wtf am I even saying right now?!" Lol, i was not making sense and completely blanked out. Words cannot describe how frustrated I still feel. Ughhh!!
Well, thats all, I will stop here.
- Alexa (Intellect Chick)